
Sunday 3 July 2016

Back to Life Drawing

 Had some life drawing classes arranged by work recently with a really great teacher, Niall Laverty - here is his facebook page. We looked into shapes this week and did cut out life drawing. Sadly didn't manage to save those cut outs, but got some good drawings in the end. These are all quick 1 minute/ 2 minute ones. If you do ever get the chance to life draw, do it! It takes you out of your comfort zone but makes you go even further and explore aspects of drawing you may have never even thought of before.

Sunday 4 October 2015

More of Dancing Teen

More of that design of the dancing teen wanting to do ballet. Added another character who eould be his instructor or future dancer partner. Yes she wears those colours during ballet. Did I forget to mention its 80s inspired?

Thursday 1 October 2015

Storyboarding continues

Still more of that personal project of mine practising some more storyboards. Made a few changes and added some more panels!

Still a loooot more to do but really enjoying adding more characters in. This is the beginning of a long story but thought it would be good to show the introductions of key characters in. Also man, I need to really practise layout more..

Sunday 27 September 2015

Dancing Teen~

Character Design brief for a teenage boy doing some kind of dance. So mixing ballet one of my favorite kind of dances and 80s teen fashion to create this lad.

Monday 21 September 2015

Some character design stuff

Above is a character design I've been working on for a while now. Original was the 2nd one but felt she was incredibly flat looking, but it helped with what kind of colour palatte I want for her. She is meant to be the warrior by the book type. I am also gonna add more to her outfit, I just really enjoy drawing expressions..

Saturday 12 September 2015

Storyboard Practice with Star Wars

Practicing doing some storyboards with Storyboard Pro with one of my favourite vieo games "Knights of the Old Republic 2", hopefully might get a whole animatic done as well with this scene but heres a preview of the beginning.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

life draws

Got me a cintiq! Haven't had the chance to just sit back and draw and life drawing is one of the best ways for me to turn off my brain. Usually I prefer going traditional but thought I would test out digitally. Ref from New Masters Academy on youtube. Them and croquis cafe are perfect if you can't afford life drawing classes.